Publication policy

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT) and its discussion forum Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions (AMTD) feature the principle of open-access publication which means the free immediate access to, and unrestricted reuse of, original works of all types by any user. Therefore, all content of AMT and AMTD is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) and authors retain copyright.

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques and its discussion forum Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions are issued by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union and offer the following:

  • rapid posting of high-quality preprints in AMTD after an access review by an editor;
  • interactive public discussion (AMTD): immediate posting of referee comments (anonymous or attributed) by at least two independent referees, author comments (on behalf of all authors), and community comments by any registered member of the scientific community (attributed) alongside the preprints;
  • permanent archiving and accessibility of preprints together with the interactive comments;
  • post-discussion peer-review completion and final acceptance for AMT or rejection;
  • thorough layout and processing of text, figures, tables, and equations;
  • English language copy-editing;
  • immediate open-access publication of full-text XML, HTML, and PDF files in AMT, financed by moderate article processing charges (please also note the financial support for authors);
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  • distribution of articles and bibliographic metadata to scientific databases and indices;
  • collections of articles resulting from standard peer review as well as special issues with articles supervised by guest editors;
  • article alert service and RSS feeds;
  • long-term preservation by external archives;
  • commercial advertising is not allowed.

For further information on the definition and standing of preprints, please read the EGU Position Statement.

AMT and its discussion forum adhere to high ethical standards which are summarized in the journal's publication ethics. In order to warrant integrity of the published works, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques also has a clear policy on competing interests.

To improve the traceability and reproducibility of the presented works, AMT has implemented a data policy. Data and other underlying or related material having a digital object identifier (DOI) can also be displayed in the article's asset tab.

General aspects concerning the role of authors, editors, and referees are summarized under general obligations for authors, general obligations for editors, and general obligations for referees.

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Corrections and retractions

AMT pursues the following policy for making corrections to its content:

  • Modification of a paper: Copernicus Publications reserves the right to replace the posted files if purely technical corrections are necessary (e.g. corrupt file or incorrect bibliographical entry). In such cases, archives and indices are informed. Under no circumstances will the content be changed.
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Political correctness

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    • his/her – their;
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    • blacklisted – excluded
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    • whitelisted – allowed